I went back and forth on whether to call this a "Blog" or "News" and decided on "News" mostly to be different, and blog, besides sounding weird, reminds me of blah, and I don't want this to be blah.

What does "blog" even mean? If you mentioned blog back in the day, most people would think you were referring to a marshy wetland, but you drank one too many tequilas and were slurring your words. So, I began my quest to find the origins of such a weird word, thinking it was an acronym. Bullshit Lobbed On-Going was all I could come up with.It turns out it was originally called a weblog. In computer-speak, logs refer to when things go wrong and the error is logged, so when people complain about the system running slow or heavens forbid crashes, the person responsible for such things checks the logs to see what's going on, but I digress.

In 1999, Peter Merholz, who blogs on, changed weblog to "we blog". I guess enough people thought that was catchy, and now we're stuck with the word. After all these years, Peter Merholz is still blogging, which if you think about it, is two or three lifetimes ago in computer/technology trends. I suppose the day Peter says I had enough of this lobbing bullshit, then "blog" may go the way of tie-dyed shirts and mood rings. (Talk about lifetimes ago!)

So, in wrapping this up, the "News" will be about my progress in writing the current book or the next book in the series, or if I'm writing a new series, and how that's going. If you want lobbing-bullshit, then you can sign up for the readers' group. I know with such an incentive; you'll be scrambling to sign up. :)

At the very least, you'll get a free book. As my Irish grandmother used to say, "Cheap is good, free is better."